Personally, I get what it’s like to feel like an oddball who doesn’t quite fit in with any particular “tribe” of people. I have a nerdy side that comes out in DnD, video games, books; an adventurous side where I romp around mountains with my dog, rock climb and take snowboard cruises; a creative side that uses art, writing and music to grapple with expressing and making sense of the vast range of joys and darkness felt in existence; a lesbian side (which is more like an identity than I side, I just don’t always lead with it) that can often fly under the radar making coming out an ongoing occurrence. There are many more facets of my being that you’ll likely encounter as we get to know each other in time 😊 I’m looking forward to hearing about all the special quirks that make you who you are.
As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I work with relationships in different ways. This can involve your relationship with yourself or expand to include your partner and/or family in the process. Relationships can look so many different ways – multicultural, ENM, separated – whatever form your relationship(s) may take, it is welcomed here. I am passionate about evolving intimate relationships and enhancing communication in ways that promote each person’s ability to bring their best self into their relationships. I’m not afraid to be with you in whatever is coming up in the moment – whether it’s exploring painful depths of your own process, unpacking a heated conflict that keeps coming back up, or sharing in laughter. I hope you find comfort knowing that you are in the driver’s seat and set the pace. I welcome you to join me in this wild journey of therapy together in pursuit of increased clarity with how you may better find ways to reach your unique goals in our work.